The Naples Florida Real Estate Market Today
The Naples Florida real estate market is been through some drastic changes in recent years, but is slowly making a come-back, which could possibly mean, prices will slowly climb back up, too.
Naples Florida is a wealthy, affluent community with a diverse selection of properties for sale! If you're thinking of investing in real estate in Naples FLA, be sure to connect with an agent who will work with YOUR best interests in mind.
Naples Florida is one of several beautiful Gulf coast beaches, and a community with many prestigious, luxurious homes and property.
It’s no wonder, the price tags on Naples real estate, and the surrounding areas, can make your jaw drop, even in the present day market!
The Naples Florida real estate market attracts investors seeking income-generating properties from rentals.
A large portion of the Naples real estate are income generating properties.
Naples Fl real estate has a past history of unusually high-priced properties. In recent history, particularly in 2005, the real estate in Naples saw outrageous market prices and sales, which peaked to record highs.
Since the more recent distressed U.S. economy has reared its ugly head, Naples real estate prices have softened and fallen dramatically.
In general, market prices are very low, and sadly foreclosures are common. Prices still need to stabilize and will.
This has created a shift in the Naples Florida real estate market over the past few years, with a shift from a ‘seller’s’ market to that of a 'buyer’s market'.
For example, a home valued at around $500,000 in 2005, is now valued at $280,000: nearly half the value of 5 years ago. This turnaround in the market has led to numerous foreclosures, to say the least.
So first time home buyers, Canadian snowbirds, and foreign investors, are scooping up the bargains as quickly as they appear on the market!

As a result of the distressed economy, the Naples Florida real estate business is very much alive and booming. How long this will last, only time will tell.
If ever you’ve considered purchasing real estate in Naples or Florida Gulf Coast Real Estate, now is the time. There are many ‘hot bargains’ to be had!
This leads to the most important factor when hunting for property:
the need for a smart and savvy real estate agent.
Naples Fl Real Estate Agents
If you’re looking for property in the Naples or Southwest Florida area, you’ll have no problem to find a property to suit your needs.
The Naples real estate market is quite diverse.
There’s condos, town houses, single family dwellings, luxury homes, beachfront property and more! 
Due to the diversity, the ever-changing present market and the complexity of the process, I highly recommend utilizing a top-notch agent to help you with the process. Don’t ‘go it alone’! If you do, you stand the risk of getting stung!
Properties need proper inspections, disclosures and other complex legalities are involved.
Southwest Florida is loaded with real estate agents: 40,000+!
Most agents or real estate companies specialize in a particular facet of real estate, due to the great diversity of properties in the area, particularly in the high-end luxury properties.
Some even specialize in the ‘second home market’. Whether you are looking for an investment, a second home, or a starter home (good luck!) in the Naples area, you’ll have no problem finding an agent!
You need a realtor who knows the current trends of the Naples Florida real estate market as well as that of the surrounding area. Someone who knows ‘what’s going on’ in this particular niche.
Do take the time to do your research and connect with a smart and knowledgeable agent who will work for you and understand your specific needs.
Make your wishes clear to your agent, so they’re best able to find a property that will suit your needs.
Naples Real Estate- Communities
The real estate business in Southwest Florida divides the area into communities for the simple purpose of identifying the various areas.
Property listings are grouped into communities such as Briarwood, Pelican Bay, Aqualane, Old Naples, and Port Royal etc.
Listings can also be searched by a main feature focus: beachfront, waterfront, condos, or luxury homes, to name a few.
Properties are also listed in price range groups, should you be looking to invest a predetermined amount.
Remember, the Naples Fl real estate market is ‘sizzling’ right now!
"If you’re able to invest, the time is now!"
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